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ExpHins Cheung Tickets from $136 @StubHub

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4% Super Cash Back

    • Book Hins Cheung Tickets from $136 @StubHub.
    • Born and raised in Guangzhou, Hins Cheung’s path to becoming the Mando-pop and Canto-pop heartthrob he is today wasn’t without its setbacks. He started singing in bars as a teenager and, when he was 17, took a leap of faith, giving up an opportunity to work in banking, and signing a recording contract in Hong Kong. This turned out to be a scam. Undeterred from pursuing his dream, he borrowed 50,000 RMB from his mother, wrote his own songs, reached out to music radio stations and produced his first album, Hins’ First, on his own.
    • On top of his highly successful music career, Canto-pop singer Hins Cheung is dedicated to revitalising Hong Kong’s historic venues.
    • Price may be changed without notice.
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