

已过期Summer Infant 可折叠儿童椅 @ Amazon

$29.99 (原价 $34.99)

    • Amazon.com 现有 Summer Infant 可折叠儿童椅,现价$29.99(原价$34.99)。
    • 美国境内免运费。
    • 室内室外都可使用,适合6个月到4岁,体重37磅内儿童。托盘可拆卸,可机洗。折叠后可装在收纳包里。
    • 促销随时可能结束,抓紧时间抢购

The Summer Pop 'n Sit SE Booster is the perfect chair for your little one. Whether you need a booster for dining at a restaurant, a chair at the beach, or even a floor seat at home - this booster seat is your all-in-one solution. Use as a floor activity seat to entertain baby or attach to an adult chair to use as a booster. Plus, the removable tray makes it easy to transition from feeding to play time. Cleanup is easy with the removable, machine-washable fabric and dishwasher safe tray. Featuring an innovative pop and fold design that sets up in seconds, a compact fold, and included carry bag, the Pop 'n Sit Booster Chair is easy to bring with you on all your adventures; both indoors & outdoors.

2021-05-09 18:55532
